Sunday, April 7, 2013

New Facebook App Gets 5 Million Downloads In 1 Day, Lets You Find Your Stalkers

One of the most common Facebook questions is how do you see who views your facebook profile, is it even possible to answer the question “who visited my facebook profile” ?. You know that feeling where you are having a sneaky look at a friend’s profile on Facebook and you are so happy that they can’t actually see that you are checking them out? Well it has just become a thing of the past thanks to a new application called Fan check just launched on Facebook that allows you to see who is stalking you (or just generally checking out your profile). The application compiles data based on the way people react with your profile to find out who your biggest fans are, in their own words…
"This application ranks your friends based on how often they interact with your Facebook wall. Interactions counted include wall posts, comments, likes, gifts and other public items posted to your wall. We do NOT count page views or private messages."
The application will display your top fans in an easy to view mosiac and has become so viral because a)people have always wanted to know who is viewing their profile on Facebook and b)it tags you in photos that then appear in your friends news stream meaning that it had 5 million downloads on Sunday and has had nearly 20 million in total.You can expect the application to start breaking up relationships and causing rows between friends pretty soon as jealous partners find out just who their other half is interacting with in even greater detail than normal, we see trouble ahead!!